Articles from the Archive of Anxiety

Writing the Copy That Moves You

Articles from the Archive of Anxiety

Keeping Up Health Unhealthy Partner

Even though the number of people using sleep trackers is increasing, the data generated by these devices may still have an effect on how someone feels after waking up. The purpose of cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBTi, is to reduce anxiety and insomnia. While the data generated by sleep trackers may be confusing and lead people to overlook how they feel after sleeping, they can also help people become more conscious of their sleep habits and possibly even uncover sleep problems.

Learn More About Breaking the Cycle

Put an end to the pattern

Rumination is the unceasing flow of negative thoughts or themes; it usually involves attempting to solve a challenging problem or mentally replaying a past event or conversation. Rumination can be harmful to one’s physical and mental health, increasing the risk of inflammation, anxiety, despair, and insomnia. One can stop rumination by looking for distractions, changing their environment, practicing relaxation techniques, talking to a friend, acting, or using cognitive behavioral therapy.

Find out more about non-heart related causes of chest pain.

causes of discomfort in the chest other than the heart

Most episodes of chest pain do not suggest a cardiac problem. There are many possible causes of chest pain, including gallstones, asthma, ulcers, anxiety, COVID, esophageal spasms, costochondritis, pulmonary embolism, pleurisy, aortic dissection, and pericarditis. If the pain is localized, only occurs with movement, coughing, or deep breathing, is transient, brought on by food, does not worsen with activity, or is limited to a single area, it is most likely not related to the heart.

Mind & Mood Busting Myths Regarding Mental Wellness

It is estimated that 58 million adult Americans suffer from a mental illness, such as bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety. More women than men receive treatment, such as medication or counseling, but stigma around mental illness still exists. Scientific advancements are helping to dismantle negative societal perceptions of mental illness. Those who are struggling with mental health issues can help combat stigma by accepting treatment, refusing to take casual remarks personally from others, and sharing their own experiences.

Find Out More about The most common reason why kids have persistent stomach pain?

What is the most common reason why children have persistent stomach pain?

Since the mind and body are strongly linked, a child’s stomach discomfort that lasts for two months or longer may be functional abdominal pain caused by stress, hopelessness, or worry. This condition is common but hard to diagnose and treat.

Find out more about slowing down your mind’s racing.

lowering the rate at which ideas race

Everyone has moments when they feel like their mind is racing. When this happens, the mind becomes sidetracked and the anxiety cycle gets worse. Fortunately, there are things you can do to stop this pattern and regain control of your mind.

Find Out More About Severe Anxiety

excessive fear

When it comes to treating severe anxiety, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is thought to be the best option. One common type of CBT exposes patients to stressful situations in order to teach them coping mechanisms. Other physical symptoms of anxiety include nausea, hot palms, or dry mouth; more severe symptoms include dizziness, shortness of breath, or a racing heart.

Adaptations for anxiety related to medical exams

Some individuals feel anxious before medical exams such as MRIs, CT scans, or blood tests. If one is debating whether to put off a medical test due to anxiety, they should learn as much as they can about the exam or ask for medication to help with any pain or anxiety. During a medical exam, it may be helpful to use relaxation techniques or focus on a fun activity you have scheduled for later in the day.

How to identify anxiety-related disorders

A medical condition, life transitions, and specific circumstances, like a fear of heights, crowds, or social situations, can all be connected to symptoms of anxiety disorders. While some anxiety is normal, anxiety disorders can also be present in people who experience anxiety on a daily basis. Individuals who recognize their symptoms are more likely to seek medical attention in order to determine the cause of their anxiety and implement appropriate interventions, which may include psychotherapy and/or medication.

Find out more about managing anxiety without using medication.

Relieving anxiety without using medication

A 2022 study found that taking a mindfulness-based stress reduction course and practicing daily meditation were about as effective as taking medicine in treating symptoms of anxiety. Both methods seemed to reduce anxiety by about 30% after eight weeks.