Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Causes, And Natural Remedies

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Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Causes, And Natural Remedies

Fibromyalgia pain

Fibromyalgia causes body-wide muscle and joint pain. It can also cause fatigue and memory issues. Fibromyalgia has no known cause and no cure, but a doctor can help you manage your symptoms.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Chronic fibromyalgia causes body-wide pain and tenderness. Musculoskeletal pain and fatigue occur. Fibromyalgia symptoms sometimes flare up. Fibromyalgia can be exhausting and difficult. The swings between feeling good and having symptoms flare up can be overwhelming. Your feelings and fibromyalgia are real.

Studies suggest that stress, health conditions, and other life changes may cause fibromyalgia. You may develop fibromyalgia if one of your biological parents has it. Fibromyalgia often begins with new body pain, especially in the muscles. Listen to your body and instincts. If you have new pain, fatigue, or other symptoms, even if they come and go, see a doctor.

What are Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

The two most common symptoms of fibromyalgia are pain and fatigue. You may experience:

  • Muscle ache.
  • Fatigue.
  • TMDs cause jaw and face pain.
  • Headaches, migraines.
  • Poor digestion, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Urinary issues.

Fibromyalgia symptoms sometimes flare up. Fibromyalgia can be exhausting and difficult. The swings between feeling good and having symptoms flare up can be overwhelming. Your feelings and fibromyalgia are real. Studies suggest that stress, health conditions, and other life changes may cause fibromyalgia. You may develop fibromyalgia if one of your biological parents has it.

Fibromyalgia often begins with new body pain, especially in the muscles. Listen to your body and instincts. If you have new pain, fatigue, or other symptoms, even if they come and go, visit a pain clinic in Plano.

Anyone can get fibro. It affects everyone, including kids. Around 4 million Americans have fibromyalgia. Women and older people over 40 are more likely to have fibromyalgia.

Causes of Fibromyalgia

Not even experts know what causes fibromyalgia. Certain genes from your biological parents may increase your risk of fibromyalgia. Studies have linked biological parents with fibromyalgia to their children, suggesting it’s inherited. People with fibromyalgia feel pain more than others. The cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, but experts believe genetic mutations in genes that produce brain neurotransmitters that send and receive pain signals may be linked.

Risk Factors of Fibromyalgia 

Some health conditions and other issues are risk factors for fibromyalgia, but experts don’t know what causes it. Risk factors for fibromyalgia:

  • Your age: Over-40s are more likely to get fibromyalgia. It can affect anyone, including kids.
  • Your sex: Women have twice the fibromyalgia risk.
  • Chronic diseases: People with osteoarthritis, depression, anxiety, chronic back pain, and IBS are more likely to develop fibromyalgia.
  • Infections: Those with severe symptoms may develop fibromyalgia after an infection.
  • Stress: Stress can harm your health but cannot be measured.
  • Injuries: Fibromyalgia can result from physical, emotional, or serious injuries.

Fibromyalgia Natural Remedies

If medications don’t work, try something else. Many natural remedies reduce stress and pain, improving mental and physical health. They can be used alone or with conventional medicine. Natural fibromyalgia treatments could include:

  • Occupational and physical therapy, acupuncture, and massage therapy to improve strength and reduce stress.
  • Meditation yoga, which you should approach with caution if you have hypermobility
  • Tai chi exercise stress-reduction techniques
  • Balanced and nutritious diet
  • Therapy may reduce stress-related fibromyalgia symptoms. Group therapy may be the cheapest and allow you to meet others with similar issues.
  • One-on-one therapy is also available. Stress management includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
  • Fibromyalgia patients should eat a balanced diet. Healthy foods give you energy and keep you healthy. They may also alleviate symptoms.
  • Avoiding certain foods can help manage your condition. 
  • Most alternative fibromyalgia treatments have not been tested or proven effective. Before trying some of these treatments, consult a pain doctor in plano about risks and benefits.


Fibromyalgia causes widespread pain and it can also cause fatigue and mental fogginess. Fibromyalgia has no cure, but your doctor will help you find a treatment plan. Even though experts don’t know what causes fibromyalgia, it’s real—and so are your symptoms. Your feelings are valid and important, even if they change or are hard to describe. Living with fibromyalgia is difficult, but you’re not alone. Discuss stress management and self-esteem with your doctor or mental health professional.

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