How to Choose the Right Circuit Breakers in 5 Simple Steps?

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How to Choose the Right Circuit Breakers in 5 Simple Steps?

As an electrical contractor, it is your responsibility to set up a top-notch electrical system. To do that you require the right electrical components such as proper switches, power points and Circuit Breakers. The circuit breakers in any electrical setup ensure the safety and functionality of all electrical components. If you want to protect the electrical circuits throughout the property from damage caused by short circuits and overload then you need to install circuit breakers. These compact devices are cost-effective solution to protecting your client’s electrical systems. 

If you are in the market, looking for the right circuit breakers for your electrical projects then you have come to the right place!

5 Steps for Choosing the Right Circuit Breakers for Your Electrical Setups:

  1. Thoroughly Check the Electrical Load Requirements: 

When it comes to choosing the right circuit breakers, you need to first take a look at the load requirement of your client’s electrical system. Every circuit is capable of carrying a specific amount of electrical current which is universally measured in amps. If the electrical load exceeds the set limit of the circuit, it will trip more frequently to prevent damage. 

Most often residential circuits typically have 15 to 20 amps electrical load, while commercial setups have higher amperages which can be up to 100 amps and more. Therefore, you need to calculate the total electrical load before choosing the right circuit breaker for the electrical setup. If you make the wrong choice of choosing an oversized or undersized breaker, it can lead to frequent trips or can even lead to hazardous overload of electrical systems. 

  1. Choose the Right Type of Circuit Breakers: 

Just like any other electrical components, circuit breakers also have different types. The most common types of circuit breakers that you can install are: 

  • Standard Circuit Breakers: These type of circuit breakers are commonly used for commercial and residential electrical setups. These circuits provide protection against electrical current overloads and short circuits. 
  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI): When it comes to installing circuit breakers for areas prone with moisture such as kitchen areas, bathrooms and outdoor areas. The GFCI breakers protect against ground faults in these areas. 
  • Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCI): Sometimes live wires are either improperly installed or become damaged overtime. This can lead to electrical fires. To prevent such a hazardous event from happening, you need to install circuit breakers. 
  1. Check the Panel Compatibility: 

Before you install a circuit breaker into the electrical setup, you need to check the compatibility of the circuit with the breaker panel. It is important that you choose the right circuit breakers that fit with the specific brand and model of the electrical panel in place. You can check the panel’s compatibility before choosing a circuit breaker. 

  1. Understand the Voltage Requirements: 

Another factor that you need to consider before installing circuit breakers is the voltage. In most homes, the average voltage is 120 V or 240 V. The voltages for commercial and industrial setups are higher. Circuit breakers are designed to work within specific voltage ranges. Therefore, you need to choose circuit breakers that are meant to handle the proper voltages. 

  1. Take the Circuit Breaker’s Interrupting Capacity into Consideration: 

The interrupting capacity of circuit breakers is the maximum fault that it can interrupt without causing damage to itself and the electrical setup. In residential setups, the interrupting capacity of the common circuit breakers is 10,000 amps. For industrial setups it can be higher. If you feel that you client’s electrical setup has higher-capacity needs, then you should opt for heavy-duty circuit breakers. You can get the right circuit breaker for your electrical setup at AGM Electrical Supplies. 

Top 3 Circuit Breakers That Are Worth the Money: 

  • TYPE A – 4.5kA 20 Amp Single Pole Safety Switch RCBO RCDMCB 30mA
  • NHP 3 Pole Circuit Breaker 63amp 6KA MOD6
  • Clipsal Three Phase 100amp Main Switch

Choose the Right Circuit Breakers at AGM Electrical Supplies!

When it comes to the safety of your client’s property, you simply cannot take any chances. Therefore, you need all the help you can get. You can increase the safety of the Electrical Wholesaler setup by installing good quality circuit breakers. For that you will need to take into consideration the electrical load requirements, types of circuit breakers, panel compatibility and other factors such as voltage, environmental conditions and interrupting capacity. 

If you are looking to purchase durable circuit breakers in bulk from a wholesaler in Australia, then you should head over to AGM Electrical Supplies. Thanks to their low shipping rates staring from $13,50 and timely service, you can rest easy. So, what are you waiting for? Order the perfect circuit breakers today!