Can We Ace the SSC CGL Exam with Self-Study Only?

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Can We Ace the SSC CGL Exam with Self-Study Only?

SSC CGL exam can be excelled in with the help of self-study but only when you have equipped your exam prep with the right guidance. As we all know the SSC CGL exam is quite famous for its tough competition, one can ace the exam only when he has sought the right guidance. The right guidance is the foremost requirement to ace the exam and it is equally important to self-study.

Those who desire to crack the SSC CGL exam with self-study only can surely do this but for this, they have to seek the right guidance. So, throughout the exam prep, your focus must be on seeking the right guidance and studying for the exams profoundly.

Moreover, check the official ssc cgl exam date on the official ssc cgl 2024 exam notification that you can download from the official website of the exam-conducting commission.

How to ace the SSC CGL Exam with Self-Study Only?

Let’s understand the tips that one can follow to ace the SSC CGL exam self-study only.

Listen to the Experts

Listening to those who have appeared for the exams themselves or have profound expertise in the exam that you are preparing for is a must. You have to get some time to listen to them and know what exactly you require to ace the exams. If you fail to do so, things will become quite chaotic for you and you will be forced to leave the exam prep in the middle.

The experience of the experts will let you have a profound understanding of the core requirements and wonderful facts about the exam that no books can ever tell you. The best part is that these videos are easily available on the YouTube platform. Therefore, what are you waiting for? Just turn on YouTube and search for the experts who can guide you on your target exam.

The Best Books

As you are going to rely on self-study, ensure that the books that you have selected are perfect enough to give you the best knowledge of the topics. You can get the names of the best books with the help of experienced candidates who often reveal the names of the best books in their interviews.

In fact, the best books are the source of the best knowledge that will truly help you attempt the questions in the exam by giving you the best knowledge.

Different Ways to Learn

What if we tell you that there is no single way to learn the concepts? In fact, there is a plethora of ways that you can embrace to learn the concepts with the utmost level of efficiency. If you don’t know about these ways then, have a look at the following pointers:

  • Group discussion for the difficult concepts
  • Reading the lengthy concepts over and over again in chunks from the same book
  • YouTube tutorials
  • Active recalling
  • Notes-making apps

These are the multiple ways that a government exam aspirant can embrace for learning the concepts in the best way possible.


Self-study needs self-care as well. Yes, this is true that the exams are tough and to perform well, one must take care of his health very well. For sure, taking care of oneself aids in boosting one’s proficiency in tasks. During the exam prep, you have to study rigorously and with the passage of time, things will become hard to handle but proper self-acre will help you a lot in keeping your spirits up.

The best bank exam preparation books can be found on the internet, the market, and the few top bank exam coaching institutes that offer the best books along with bank coaching. Well, we highly suggest you listen to the experts to find the best books. In addition to that, you can also link with an institute that is prominent for offering the best banking preparation books along with the best bank exam guidance.


Acing the SSC CGL exam is going to be an incredible journey when you have sought help from professionals. The best thing for today’s generation of students is that, with the advent of technology, they can access the right guidance from anywhere and at any time.