How to perform Umrah for Ladies?

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How to perform Umrah for Ladies?

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If you are a first-time performing Umrah woman and want to know Umrah information for women, especially how to perform Umrah with a woman. The good thing is that you have come to the right place because Umrah Packages from UK introduces the best way for performance of Umrah for you.  There will be some concerns for men while performing Umrah for women performing Umrah. A woman can travel to perform Umrah without Muharram. What should be done during menstruation, what should be worn once while wearing Ihram before performing Umrah? Women must be aware of all the steps to perform Hajj and Umrah. It should be ensured that the rituals of Hajj and Umrah are performed properly. However, when it comes to performing Umrah rituals, men and women do it in different ways. If you are looking for an Umrah package, especially if you are performing Umrah for the first time, Hajj Package provides a lot of information for you. We will explain the key differences that women should be aware of.

What should ladies wear for Umrah?

 One of the most frequently asked questions on social media is what women should wear while performing Umrah and Hajj. What can women wear on Hajj and Umrah? It is not necessary for women to wear Ihram. However, Ihram is very easy for women in terms of clothing because women can use regular clothes and Abaya on top unlike men. Women are allowed to bare their face, hands and feet. The state of Ihram depends on where you land and how long it takes you to reach Makkah. Umrah journey is only two hours and how long it takes you to perform all Umrah rituals. Although rituals can be performed in few hours but most of the pilgrims book 12 Nights 3 Star Umrah Package because they try to spend more and more time in Haram Sharif. Many women stress about this because they are unfamiliar. Three days are enough to experience this sacred journey that will change your life. You can perform ablution before starting your holy journey like cutting your nails, trimming your hair to the length of a fingertip, etc. There are some things that you cannot do in the state of Ihram such as makeup, perfume, sexual intercourse. Many women think that when you are in Makkah, you are always in the state of Ihram. This is not the case at all. You are out of Ihram after finishing Umrah and cutting a small piece of your hair. After that you can put on your perfume and your make-up. 

Can husband and wife sleep together during Umrah?

Husband and wife can live together during Umrah. In fact, it is quite common for couples to perform Umrah together and share this spiritual experience. Participating in this spiritual journey with your spouse can enhance the overall personal experience. There is no restriction on husband and wife staying together during Umrah. As long as the husband and wife maintain the correct state of Ihram and observe the rites of Umrah and fulfill its requirements. There is nothing wrong with them living together. The spiritual journey of Umrah is a journey of devotion. Husbands and wives should prioritize their spiritual responsibilities and pay attention to the rituals associated with Umrah. Hajj also an important pilgrimage which also includes the similar restrictions. Many of the pilgrims book the Hajj Packages to perform the pilgrimage of Hajj. Physical intimacy is a natural process in couples, but it is advised to be patient and give priority to the spiritual aspects of the spiritual journey. As far as Hajj rituals are concerned, there is no haram in sleeping on the same bed for husband and wife in the state of Ihram. As long as they abstain from sexual intercourse, they should abstain from all things that cause sexual intercourse by touching. When someone puts on Ihram to perform Umrah and intends to perform Umrah, he should not commit sexual intercourse, nor commit a sin, nor engage in unjust quarrels.

Do I have to wear hijab after Umrah?

 Those women who are physically and financially able to pay for this spiritual journey should be accompanied by a Mahram man. Whether she wears hijab or not. Thus, wearing hijab is obligatory on Muslim women and it is obligatory on Muslim women whether she has performed Hajj or not. A Muslim woman should cover her whole body with loose fitting clothes. Which do not outline or define the shape and size of any part of his body and are so thick as to hide the color of his skin. If a woman who intends to take off her hijab after Hajj and Umrah and performs all Hajj rituals in the right way and at the appointed time, then her Umrah is valid. Hijab is an aspect of modesty; it is a duty ordained by Allah for Muslim women. And he must obey Allah’s order. In this way he will gain the pleasure of Allah.

What are tips for performing Umrah with infant?

Performing Umrah with children is not easy, this is a concern that we must solution. Infants required a lot of attention. Children under four years of age also need attention so they are difficulty to handle. If you plan properly, CheapUmrahPackages can understand you expectation and arrange Hajj packages according to your plan. You can take children with you our solution here is based on the assumption that each child must have an individual guardian. But it is difficult when you have three or four children and there is only one caretaker. Some tips for performing Umrah with infant is         

•             Age limitations

•             Umrah visa process

•             Understanding Umrah

•             Ihram for Babies

•             Diaper use in ihram

•             Baby strollers in haram

•             Feeding during Umrah

•             Traveling with infant / young children

•             Accommodation considerations


Performing Umrah is a life changing experience for women. Which provides an opportunity to strengthen faith and gain spiritual growth. By following the principles of devotion, women can performing on this sacred journey with sincerity and desire to connect with Allah. Through contemplation, Umrah becomes an important chapter in the spiritual journey of a Muslim women. According to Islamic law, a Muslim women cannot go for Umrah without her Muharram. If a women is 45 years old, she can perform Umrah with a group or family. This spiritual journey is a mandatory pilgrimage for all Muslims who are financially and physically ready to perform Umrah. In Islam, there is no problem for a husband and wife to stay and sleep together while performing Umrah, but it is forbidden for both of them to have sexual intercourse. Similarly, women can also wear hijab during performing Umrah and it is not mandatory to wear ihram, but it is mandatory to wear Abaya. Performing Umrah with children is difficult but it becomes a beautiful memory for the whole life which brings peace to the soul whenever it is remembered.