How Do Vitamins Help With Erectile Dysfunction?

The following is a brief introduction to the topic
Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence in the United States, affects 30 million men. The inability to maintain or get an erection strong enough to engage in sexual activity is referred to as ED. ED is not a part of ageing, even though it becomes more common in older men. There are many underlying causes for ED. These include physical and psychological factors. In many cases, lifestyle changes and medication can be used to treat ED. Some research suggests that specific vitamins and supplements can help to improve ED symptoms. This article discusses which vitamins are beneficial for erectile disorder.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is important for health and certain studies have linked low levels of vitamin D with ED. A study of 3,400 participants showed that men who were deficient in Vitamin D were more likely to have ED. Try Fildena 150mg tablet or Fildena 100 mg for erectile dysfunction fast. How can vitamin D help with ED symptoms? Vitamin D can increase nitric-oxide levels and allow more blood to flow into the penis. It helps to maintain healthy blood vessels and endothelium, both of which are necessary for a good erection. Talk to your doctor if you want to test your vitamin D level. If you are deficient in vitamin D, it may help to improve ED symptoms.
Vitamin B3
Increased blood flow from vitamin B3 (niacin), which is also known as niacin, may help to treat ED. In one study 17 men with ED were given vitamin B3 every day for 12 weeks. 73% of men taking vitamin B3 reported significant improvements in their symptoms at the end of the research. Vitamin B3 also helps lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both of which are associated with ED. Chicken, fish, grains and mushrooms are all high-B3 foods. The daily recommended intake is 16mg.
Omega-3 Fatty acids
Omega-3s have many health benefits including improving ED. They can help increase blood flow and stimulate blood vessel development, which may reduce ED symptoms. One study found that men with higher omega-3 intakes had a lower risk of ED. Omega-3 fatty acid sources include salmon, tuna and walnuts. At least two portions of fatty fish should be consumed per week. If you prefer, an omega-3 supplement can also be taken.
L-arginine, an amino acid, may improve blood flow in those who suffer from vascular ED. L-arginine is used by your body to produce nitric dioxide, which opens up blood vessels. It allows blood to flow more freely to the penis, resulting in an erection. In one study, men with ED who took L-arginine experienced significant improvement in symptoms and sexual performance. Pork loin, nuts and seeds, dairy products, whole grains, and dairy products are all foods rich in L-arginine. The daily recommended intake is 5 gram.
Zinc is essential for testosterone production. Lower testosterone levels can lead to ED. Zinc supplements can improve testosterone and erectile dysfunction in people who are zinc deficient. In a review of 24 studies, zinc supplements were found to improve testosterone levels, sexual performance, and erectile dysfunction in men who had low zinc status. The best zinc sources are meat, seafood, seeds, nuts and legumes. Men should consume 11 mg of zinc daily.
Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat erectile dysfunction, ginseng is believed to be beneficial for men. It’s believed to improve blood flow by increasing nitric-oxide production. Seven studies involving 357 men concluded that Korean red Ginseng improved erectile dysfunction. In addition, a review of 24 studies found that ginseng supplements reduced erectile dysfunction symptoms. The recommended dose is 900mg, taken three times daily.
Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice, which is rich in antioxidants, may help to reduce the symptoms of erectile disorder. In one study 53 men with ED who were on average 5 years old drank 8 ounces pomegranate daily for a month. After only four weeks, half of the men experienced improved erections. Pomegranate juice has also been shown to increase blood flow, which can lead to better erections. Drink 4-8 ounces unsweetened pomegranate fruit juice every day.
Magnesium plays a vital role in many processes within the body including blood circulation and flow. Research suggests that magnesium supplements can improve ED symptoms in men who have low magnesium levels. In a study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Science, taking magnesium supplements for six weeks improved measurements of ED and testosterone in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Spinach, almonds and dark chocolate are all high in magnesium.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is a herb that increases blood flow to the penis. Ginkgo increases blood flow in the penis. Men who took ginkgo for 6 months or more showed improvements in sexual function and ED symptoms. More research is needed. Take ginkgo according to the directions on the label.
More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of specific vitamins and supplements in treating erectile disorder. Getting enough zinc, ginseng and pomegranate, as well as vitamin D, B3, omega-3s and L-arginine may improve ED. Do not take supplements without consulting your doctor first, especially if taking medication or you have a health condition. Exercise, limiting alcohol consumption, eating healthy foods and quitting smoking are all ways to reduce ED. Speak to your doctor about the best treatment for you.