Hot and Sour Key to Thick and Healthy Hair

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Hot and Sour Key to Thick and Healthy Hair

Hot and Sour Key to Thick and Healthy Hair

If long, smooth hair isn’t included, the description of beauty is never complete. Many analogies have been used to describe shiny, attractive hair, such as thick clouds, aromatic woods, or the comforting shadow of a tree.

Everyone has invested in a long, shining mane, from real-life princesses to movie stars of the past to the girl next door. Every hair type, whether straight, curly, wavy, or a mix, is lovely in its own unique way. Every woman (and male) dreams of having good hair these days.

But regrettably, our hair’s quality is steadily declining as a result of sun exposure, dangerous chemicals, and hectic lives.

You may find the answer to this dilemma right in your own home, in the kitchen! Just open your spice cabinet and discover the fiery mystery!

Spices to Promote Healthy, Long Hair

Cumin Seeds

Rough, damaged hair is known to be strengthened by whole cumin seeds, particularly when chemicals are used. One spoonful of seeds should be boiled in one cup of water. After straining, let the water cool entirely. Blend it with an egg and use it on hair. After half an hour, wash off.

An other method is to mix henna powder with spice powder and apply the paste. 45 minutes later, wash off. It’s inexpensive, simple to use, and free of toxins and cruelty to employ these spicy secrets for healthy hair!

Seeds of Coriander

Yes, the same underappreciated coriander you believe to be missing from your spice cabinet will turn out to be your greatest spicy secret to shiny hair! Simply mix the spice powder into your usual hair oil and give your scalp a massage. It is well known that by triggering hair follicles, these seeds promote hair growth. See the effects when you include this little tip into your hair care routine.

Whole Cloves

Specifically, cloves are proven to help prevent premature greying. These days, a lot of individuals deal with the issue of gray hair in their 30s because of the use of chemicals and hair treatments. There is some charm to the salt and pepper appearance, but not in the thirties. Add the powdered spice to your usual oil and massage it three times a week to combat premature greying. It also avoids dandruff and maintains the condition of the scalp!

Nutmeg Spice

Rich in antioxidants, nutmeg spice supports healthy hair follicles and reduces hair loss. Mix the yogurt, honey, and nutmeg powder together, then apply the mask to your scalp. After an hour, wash off with a gentle shampoo. You may complete this once per week. The following generation has been handed down this spicy secret!

Cinnamon Sticks

Cinnamon encourages hair development. This spice may be used in a variety of ways to improve hair. Twice a week, massage your scalp with a mixture of heated olive oil and spice powder. Additionally, you may form a smooth paste with honey and one tablespoon of dalchini powder, which you can then apply to your scalp. After half an hour, wash off.

This encourages hair growth by improving blood flow to the scalp. An extra plus is that after utilizing this spicy secret, your hair will smell amazing!