Opal Chakra Healing: Using Opal for Energy Balancing

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Opal Chakra Healing: Using Opal for Energy Balancing

Opal Chakra Healing: Using Opal for Energy Balancing

Opal emits healing energies to heal and stimulate insulin production, as well as to enhance liver functions, improve eye health, and awaken one’s creative side.

The Original opal stone, with its unique blend of earth and water energies, combines to balance male/female polarity as well as conscious/unconscious thoughts, providing a calm environment during meditation sessions and aiding change.


This striking crystal stone assists those born under the sign of Libra to achieve balance and justice in their lives. It connects to the heart chakra, filling it with gentle love and kindness energies, as well as aiding with emotions or mood swings.

The energy of amplification works to bring thoughts and emotions to the surface so they can be seen and felt, which can help bring awareness of behavior patterns that no longer serve you in personal or professional relationships.

Precious opal ratna is well known for its powerful healing properties – particularly its usefulness in aiding Parkinson’s patients by alleviating and speeding up symptoms. Furthermore, opal can aid the eyes with eye conditions such as cataracts while providing spiritual growth benefits like stimulating mind stimulation and increasing creativity. Are you thinking about purchasing an opal stone for its benefits? So before you buy this stone, you need to know about the opal stone price.


Opal is known to bring soft and feminine energy, making it the ideal stone to represent the Cancer zodiac sign. According to legend, natural opal stone helps us release old patterns or connections that no longer serve our best interests.

This beautiful gemstone has long been associated with stimulating the throat chakra and encouraging open communication, making it particularly helpful for individuals seeking to strengthen both interpersonal relationships and public speaking abilities.

Opal can help strengthen the kidneys, pancreas, and liver. Furthermore, its healing energies may provide some relief to those living with Parkinson’s disease, as they may slow its progress and alleviate symptoms. Opal stones are amazing at strengthening the lungs and assisting in the oxygenation that is essential for the functioning of the respiratory system.


Opal ratna is a superb healing stone that contributes to a balance of good karma and bright illumination for the Scorpio chakra. The person on the eight-dimensional spiritual path will also find crystals of this kind helpful, specifically ambitious and driven people who accept full responsibility for themselves and try to build self-confidence and full control of their lives. 

This stone is also beneficial in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, and it helps relieve symptoms such as tremors and stiffness. In addition to these, opal can help in dealing with eye problems and respiratory disorders by calming constriction in the throat to enable breathing.


Natural stones give the energy of soothing comfort and loving communication, increasing emotional warmth between partners; they motivate originality and facilitate dynamic creativity. Their strength supports self-worth and helps people unveil their complete talents.

Overwhelming emotional pain such as depression can also be cured with Opal’s energies because its effects work on the physical and emotional levels. In addition, opal can magnify other crystals, such as rose quartz, emerald, garnet, and moss agate, for full potency.


Similarly to other stones, your opal needs to be regularly cleansed to maintain an active and bright charge for a longer period of time. This can be achieved either by running it under a tap or by using consecrated moonlight water. Another excellent method for cleansing it would be burning sage bundles and wafting their smoke over them; the smoke from these bundles will absorb any negative energies present and help your stone remain charged and vibrant for longer. You could also smudge it by holding it between your hands and blowing on it with just your breath!