How to Draw An Alligator Easily

How to Draw An Alligator. Alligators are giant reptiles distinguished by their broad, rounded snouts and numerous sharp, pointed teeth.
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They are often seen in slow-moving rivers, ponds, lakes, and swamps. Alligators are fascinating subjects to draw.
However, due to their intricate and complex physical characteristics, they can be tough to draw.
Luckily, we’ve put together a step-by-step tutorial on how to draw an alligator, summed up in 9 easy steps.
You can apply these steps to draw a realistic or animated alligator. Each step is accompanied by easy-to-understand illustrations that serve as a visual guide as you follow the instructions.
Whether you are a newbie or a specialist at drawing, we are sure you can follow these steps effortlessly. Plus, you can add your style and improvise at any stage. Mix and match colors to personalize and make your artwork unique. Let your imagination run wild and unleash your creativity.
How to Draw An Alligator
Step 1
Starting at the top left corner of the paper, outline the alligator’s face. Alligators naturally have huge snouts, so don’t forget to consider that when drawing the outlines.
To ensure the design is positioned correctly, draw a horizontal and vertical line on the paper to create reference lines. The two lines should meet in the middle, and the paper should be divided into four square cells. The alligator’s face should be drawn in the space in the upper left corner.
Step 2
Extend the lines and draw the outline where the eyes would be.
Similar to the snout, alligators have broad, rounded eye sockets. With correct markings, the eye space should be similar to the muzzles.
Step 3
Start at the chin or bottom of the face and extend the lines to form the alligator’s body. Be sure to draw a long neck and a rounded belly.
Step 4
Draw an arm with three fingers on the left side of the alligator’s torso.
Alligators have a naturally muscular, well-muscled build, so their arms must be rather muscular. Also, don’t forget to make her nails sharp and pointed!
Step 5
Now that we’ve drawn the left arm, it’s time to draw the right arm to complete the alligator’s front legs. Draw another arm similar to the previous step on the right side of the alligator’s torso.
This figure shows that the left arm lies on one side while the right arm is raised upright. You can follow this illustration closely or position the arms however you like. In any case, we are sure that it will be great!
Step 6
Now here we are, working on the alligator’s hind legs to finally complete his set of four.
On either side of the alligator’s body, draw paws with three toes on each. Make sure the hind legs are pulled evenly.
Step 7
Extend the lines on the alligator’s lower body and draw a line up. This will outline the shape of the tail. The alligator’s tail in your drawing should be about an inch long.
In this step, we will also sketch the underside of the alligator. Start under the chin and draw a line that follows the outline of the alligator’s body to the tail.
Step 8
Now it’s time to make your alligator drawing more realistic. What better way to make a drawing more realistic than adding patterns and textures?
Draw several horizontal lines along the underside of the alligator, starting under the chin and ending at the tail. The lines should be slightly apart.
Next, draw several triangular spikes all over the alligator’s back. These will be the alligator’s “shields,” a series of bony plates on its back that protect and protect it.
Step 9
Return to the alligator’s face and draw two overlapping perfect circles to outline the eyes. Then, inside each circle, draw another small circle and shade it. The tiny shaded circles inside the eyes serve as the iris.
Next, draw two vertical ovals inside the snouts. This outlines the alligator’s nose. Also, don’t forget the emerging single-pronged tusk!
And that’s it; You have successfully drawn an alligator. Now all that’s missing is a splash of vibrant color to complete your artwork finally!
Finally, filling in the colors for your fantastic drawing is the most exciting part! This is where you can show off your artistic skills and ability to combine different colors.
An adult alligator’s colors vary depending on the habitat. Their color varies from olive and brown to gray and almost black. However, their underside is always creamy in color.
Your Alligator Drawing is Finished!